MediMatch Home Denture Scanning Service

At MediMatch we pride ourselves on producing premium quality dental appliances at affordable prices.

We have laboratories all over Europe.

We are at the cutting edge of scanning, digital design and 3D printing

How Does it Work?


We come to your care home and scan your existing denture


We modify the scan data to give us a model that can be printed


Data is sent for 3D printing. Once completed, the denture is hand finished and returned to the care home

Why MediMatch Denture Care?

By using our mobile scanning service, we can save the resident money by avoiding the traditional visit to the dentist! Our production methods mean we can produce a denture and have it delivered to the care home within a matter of days rather than weeks! No need for care staff to accompany residents to dental appointments when a denture needs replacing.

Nationwide Service

We cover the whole of the UK
We come to you!

Friendly Support

All questions and queries answered via phone, email or text message.

Quality Product

Market leading print quality. All dentures are hand finished by our team in our London Lab.


Full Denture Reproduction
on the day of Scan

Full Denture Reproduction
in the Future


How the Service works


Book an appointment at your care home.


We send out an information pack in advance detailing the sterilisation process of your denture and the date we will attend your care home for scanning.


We collect your denture from you and scan into our database
(This process only takes a few minutes).
We re-sterilise your denture and hand it back.


We send the scan data to our lab for production
(or if a replacement isn’t needed at the time, we keep the data for you on our secure database, to enable you to order a replacement in the future).

Book a Care Home Visit Today

Use our link below to book an appointment at your care home. Alternatively, email or call.

If you would like more information on our denture service, or to arrange an appointment, please fill in the form and we will get back to you.

Contact Us

Phone: 020 3875 8530


Company Number: 05812965

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